Tuesday, March 27, 2012

MARIGOLD JELLY ( the taste everyone love ! )

MariGold Jelly is malaysia's first and only pasteurised, great-tasting double-layered jelly filled with fresh fruit. Cool and refreshing, it is a wonderful dessert after a meal and fabulous treat for everyone anytime. Also rich in Vitamin C and Fibre, it make a healthy alternative to fruit.

Vitamin C help maintain good skin and connective tissues as well as improving the immune system. Fibre is good for maintaining a healthy digestive system while soluble fibre helps lower cholesterol in the body.

MariGold Jelly is available in 6 delicious variants: Orange, Aloe Vera, Longan Almond,Golden Mango, Peach and Rambutan Pineapple.

Storage Requirements: Keep Refrigerated (below 10°c)
Pack size: 125g

For more info Click Here